Our foundational Reflective. Collaborative. Transformative.® System is integrated into all our services.
Reflective. Quite simply, there is no learning without reflection. Reflection is foundational to the self and other awareness of all human interaction. Without reflection, all new information and educational experiences remain transactional in the moment. There is no stepping out of the experience to decide what to integrate as a learning going forward. And reflection is an iterative process that facilitates the ongoing learning and integration that is essential in a continuous learning culture.
Collaborative. Collaboration is best defined as an experience that is co-created with, and not something that is done to another. It is a partnership relationship. Whether we are talking about it from the lens of: organization with organization, facilitator with executive, or leader with team, there is an agreed upon collaboration that facilitates clarity and accountability for both parties. As an example, in an executive coaching or education experience, both parties are responsible for identifying and achieving the desired outcomes. Collaboration facilitates the reality that accountability is always shared with the other.
Transformative. In order for any experience to be transformative, there needs to be a desire to change – a vulnerability. If there is an absence of desire to change as a leader, it does not matter what educational experience or coaching is provided – it will not be effective. From a systems perspective, any intervention in the system – whether it be individual, team or business group – impacts the larger system. We work with you to transform your leaders and culture into the inspiring future you desire – at any and all levels of intervention.