About Emergent Success
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Emergent Success Inc. was founded in 2006, by Kevin Buck, as a collaborative leadership consulting
company that would assist clients in co-creating the optimal conditions for transformational leadership
to emerge and thrive.
Kevin’s extensive knowledge, experience, teaching, and curiosity continues to foster an evolving and
integrational approach to working with clients. He quickly gains the trust of clients through his grounded
presence and extraordinary listening skills. He foundationally believes that all of us can believe and
behave as our better self with the help of others. He sees it is a privilege to participate in a
transformational relationship with individuals, teams and organizations who desire to be successful at
becoming their best.
We look forward to hearing from you and for the opportunity to provide you with the exceptional
support you and your organization deserve as you learn to be reflective, collaborative, and
transformative leaders.
With gratitude,
The Emergent Success Team